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We encourage papers and demos addressing fundamental research issues including, but not limited to, the following topics:
All the contributions will be subject to a peer-review by at least three reviewers from the Program Committee.
Authors are invited to submit their contributions in PDF in the IEEE conference paper format (http://www.ieee.org/web/
Submissions should include: title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), tel/fax number(s), and postal address(es).
The contributions can be submitted at: http://infomus.org/SBM2009/commence
If you have any problem concerning submission please send a message to the local organizing committee at:
Both accepted papers and demos will be presented at the workshop as a oral presentation or in a demo session. The accepted contributions will appear in the Proceedings of Social-Com09 Workshops published by IEEE Computer Society Press.
Authors of accepted contributions will be required to submit a camera ready version.
At least one author for each accepted paper or demo is required to attend the workshop to the present the work.
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