The SBM Workshop is hosted by the
SocialCom Conference. The Workshop is scheduled on August the 29th, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm,
Shanghai Room, Session D51&D52
Paper Session
5:00 pm to 5:25 pm
Toward a Real time Automated Measure of Empathy and Dominance
G.Varni, A. Camurri, P. Coletta, and G.Volpe
5:25 pm to 5:50 pm
Concepts, Technology, and assessment of the social game 'Sync-
in Team'
M. Leman, M. Demey, M. Lesaffre, L. van Noorden, and
D. Moelants
5:50 pm to 6:15 pm
Reinforcement Learning of Listener Response for Mood Classification of Audio
J. Stockholm, and P.Pasquier
Demo Session
6:15 pm to 6:30 pm
NeatBeat and Neat4Tet-Networked Performance Instruments for Electroacustic
Music Students
A. Eigenfeldt
6:30 pm to 6:45 pm
Reinforcement Learning of Listener Response for Mood Classification of
J. Stockholm, and P.Pasquier
6:45 pm to 7:00 pm
Demo from the FP7 EU-ICT SAME Project
7:00 pm to 7:30 pm